A project planner for 3/4/5 points - כתיבת פרויקט באנגלית
Choose a topic which interests you.
Make a project according to the following instructions:
Page 1: A cover page – עמוד שער
Write the name of your project; your name; ID number; teacher's name; school's name; add a picture of your topic.
Page 2: Table of contents – תוכן העניינים
You can write it in a table if it helps.
Page 3: Introduction – מבוא
Write half a page about your topic. For example: I chose to write about… because….
Pages 4-7/8 – body: גוף העבודה
Write two to three chapters, as research questions, about your project. If, for example, you choose to do a project about a certain country, you can write about its history, food, climate, tourists attractions and so on.
Page 9: Summary – סיכום
Summarize your findings: did you learn something new about your topic? (At least half a page).
Page 10: Reflection – רפלקציה
Write your own opinion about your work: did you improve your English? Did you enjoy making this project? What was difficult/easy for you while doing this project and so on? (At least half a page).
Page 11: Bibliography – ביבליוגרפיה (רשימת המקורות)
Mention at least three-four sites that you used while making the project.
12. Appendix - נספח
Additional special pictures, articles, some other sources - if you have any – add them at the end of your project.
Remember to add pictures in each chapter. If you have many pictures you can add some in the appendix, as mentioned above.
You can do the project alone or in couples.
לתרגול חומרי לימוד באנגלית לכיתה י"א - 3, 4 ו-5 יח"ל.
לקריאת מאמרים מומלצים נוספים בנושא האנגלית:
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